茉莉-花香2 发表于 2010-10-6 20:43
/ A" N! Q* K, _6 O6 b不好意思,看到你和爱姐姐在拯救你的帖子里谈吃靶向药时,柚子橘子的问题,是柚子也不能吃吗?如果是的话老 ... 5 m3 ?( _1 e) t8 m7 ~9 Z
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Taking other medicines and herbal supplements with Tarceva It is important that you tell your HCP about all of the medicines and herbal supplements you are taking. DO NOT start taking any new medicines or herbal supplements before talking with your HCP. Tarceva may also affect other medications you are taking.8 U: {& ~. p8 n/ y, `/ }
DO NOT eat grapefruit or drink grapefruit juice while on treatment with Tarceva, except under the care of your HCP. 8 d% ~5 b! h! I
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虽然Tarceva和Iressa都是针对非小肺癌细胞的EGFR的基因突变,但用的化疗药不一样。Tarceva用的是 Erlotinib,Iressa用的是Gefitinib. 所以对药的使用和副作用有相同之处,也有不同之处。3 h, X+ [' {( z$ y
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